Amarlis Vazquez
Prof.Peele & Geoghan
FIQWS 10080
30 April 2019
Composition of Genre

For my first genre, I created a poster. The poster consists of a Native American man crying with the words “It’s okay we’re honoring you” below it. With the phrase and visible tears, it shows that the Native American doesn’t want to present the redskin’s.” The man crying represents all the Native American’s who disagrees with the “Redskins” logo. The phrase represents the close-minded people who want to keep all the racist logos and team names. The purpose of the poster is to reach out to those who agree with the team names and logos and try to make them think from a different perspective. The Native Americans didn’t agree to all the names and images that now represent teams.
My second genre, I created a parody of the redskins anthem. The lyrics consisted of mocking and the opposite of the Redskins anthem. I use the phrases “Hail to the racists, Hail to Cultural appropriation.”. The lyrics are really disrespecting the creators of the Redskins. The prupose of this was really to make it almost humorous but also keep it true to most people’s opinions. The people who disagree with the Redskin’s in general mostly think that the team takes the Native American culture and change it as their own. It’s wrong and the song proves that.
My audience strategy would be sending out my genre’s to Native American organizations so that they can post it on their website. I think this will bring the biggest audience because my genres are pro Native American life and respect of their culture and the Native American organizations would gladly put something like that on their websites. I would contact the president of the NCARSM, an organization that represents Native Americans in sports and media. Since I’ve spoken with the president before, he may understand my genres and would want to spread them around. If people see my genres, they might sign petitions to change team names and logos, or even get people to join marches.
The barriers in communicating to my audience was that there wasn’t many Native American representatives. It’s easy to just post my composition online and wait for the Native American’s to notice them, but it isn’t the same as having a direct contact with people around you. Because of this issue, I think it would be best for my audience to be reached out by contacting Native American organizations all around the U.S and informing them about my compositions. The composing process was easier than the research essay simply because the research essay had to have plenty of information and analysis, which took time. The composition took me no less than a day to do because by the time I was creating them, I had to much passion for my topic. The ideas came to me quickly and I created the compositions quickly. I chose to do create a poster because it was the most common genre in my topic. There were many protests and marches against the Redskins, and almost every person who went, had a poster. Posters typically have an image or phrase that really speaks out to people, which was my goal for my poster. As for the anthem parody, it had more to do of the silliness of the song that made me want to change it. The Redskins anthem was just so obnoxious and overrated that I wanted to change it. The parody is almost disrespectful but truthful towards the Redskin’s history. While creating the composition I found myself thinking of how it relates to my purpose and if I was reaching the right audience. I kept a consistent theme in my compositions and made sure they were going to reach the audience that I wanted and that it was easy share amongst people.